A character proficient with the bastard sword, wielding an oversized version of it 2handed still takes the 2 penalty for wielding an oversized weapon It's evident on the Iconic barbarian Amiri, who wields exactly such a weaponPathfinder Kingmaker – City Layout Plan How to?Prerequisite Base Attack Bonus of 1 or higher, Strength 13 Description This feat negates the 4 penalty to attack rolls from using an Bastard Sword untrained

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Pathfinder kingmaker bastard sword proficiency
Pathfinder kingmaker bastard sword proficiency-1) Toughness, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency 2) Armour Focus Heavy 3) Shield Focus 4) Weapon Focus Bastard sword 5) Missile Shield 6) Endurance 7) Weapon Specialization Bastard Sword 9) Renewed Defense 11) Greater Shield Focus, Fearless Defense 13) Improved Critical Bastard Sword, Increased Damage Reduction 15) Iron Will, Increased Damage ReductionAmiri starts out with a Strength score of 16, a level of Barbarian and an oversized bastard sword It's pretty clear what her intended vocation is Amiri is, to put it in crude parlance, a thinghitter, wanting nothing more than to deal as much damage as possible with her paddlesized sword Unfortunately, Amiri faces some severe limitations

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pathfinder kingmaker beast shape 4 New Pages Rogue and Slayer trapfinding now give scaling bonuses to trickery skill Domain available to the Cleric, Druid and Inquisitor classes in Pathfinder Kingmaker More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers riseâ Pathfinder Kingmaker Builds https But my advice would be to pick up dueling sword instead You can get the proficiency, focus and finesse right at level 1 At level 3 pick up slashing grace for dex to damage, like one can twohand a Bastard Sword in 35? Pathfinder Kingmaker Although her signature weapon is a bastard sword, she will outgrow it quickly and there really aren't very many good bastard swords in the early to midgame Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Toughness Build Summary
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency Bastard Sword, Toughness, Dodge Build Summary Classes Fighter 9, Rogue 4, Stalwart Defender 7 Ability Scores Con 1, Dex 3, Cha 1 Skills PersuasionIt states that a Longsword is the better option because Exotic Weapon Proficiency Bastard Sword is too "expensive" for the damage increase The average roll of 1d8 (Longsword) is 45 The average roll of 1d10 (Bastard Sword) is 55 As you can see, according to this math, you're paying 1 whole feat for 1 point of damage on averageI started a paladin with bastard sword exotic proficiency (not optimal, I know, but bear with me) and the starting gear I had was a bastard sword and 2 handed sword I equipped the bastard sword and immediately noticed that my character took up a 2 handed stance with it Now it may have been a graphical glitch since the 2 hander was equipped prior to that, or it may be hard coded and require the exotic proficiency anyway I haven't played around with it since I went the sword
Give her xe/club/glaive or something along those lines They're hand and a half which means they can count as either one or 2 handed Aside from that the feat counts for that and you can use enlarge person to counter the penalty for oversized weapon When that wep gets outleveled you can use bastard swords as plain old medium sizePathfinder Kingmaker Builds https Nearly all the best weapons in Kingmaker lack the Agile quality, so if you're looking to maximise damage, you ideally want to have Strength as your main attribute In D&D 5th Edition you can use any Weapon you wish on any character, but you will not gain your Proficiency Bonus when attacking if you aren't Proficient This is critical when you Pathfinder Kingmaker build Amiri the Sacred Huntsmaster Rockspecht Apr 24th, so I'm back to playing PF Kingmaker myself for the turnbased update That's pretty nice considering Amiri has a bit of a slow start from her level 1 feats being Bastard Sword proficiency and Toughness

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Bastard Sword is a weapon in Pathfinder Kingmaker • You can now play Pathfinder Kingmaker with your gamepad • Turnbased mode is now available Areas • Now, after you explored the Blackstones Ford map, you can stay in that area to collect the loot and exit when you feel like it • Now youIn Pathfinder Kingmaker, Armor Class and buffs determine your survivability, not your Hit Points, so Valerie's incredible Constitution score will help a lot less than you might think Her Dexterity is only 13, which is high enough for feats like Dodge and Combat Expertise, but it won't contribute much to her Armor Class

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Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide Schadenshändler Amiri Holen Sie sich vor allem Amiri jetzt in Ihre Party!★ ARCANE ON TWITCH http//bitly/ArcaneOnTwitch★ ARCANE ON TWITTER http//bitly/ArcaneTwitter★ SUBSCRIBE ON YT http//bitly/ArcaneOn★ BECOME AStarting feats, Toughness and Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), relatively weak/niche Dropped by Kean where you find Amiri in the House at the Edge of Time In our full Pathfinder Kingmaker class guide below, we break down each main class, as well as the three alternate class archetypes that swap out key features for more customization

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Weapons in Pathfinder Kingmaker are covered on this page Weapons include swords, wands, axes, firearms etc You can get the weapons through quest reward, enemy loots or purchase from NPCs The use of each weapon in Pathfinder Kingmaker will depend on the proficiency of the character used Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder KingmakerYou may additionally discard this card to add another 1d10 by Tim Pratt If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4It is a bastard sword for the purpose of feats so take weapon focus in bastard sword not greatsword I would go with Bastard Sword because that is the weapon itself it just has a special trait of being ginormous Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker Bastard Sword is a weapon in Pathfinder Kingmaker

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Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker Enlarge person is fantastic on her given her oversized bastard sword An excerpt Due to her flawless, almost supernatural beauty, Valerie has been at the center of everyone's attention, even when she was still a Although her signature weapon is a bastard sword, she will outgrow it quickly and there really aren't very many good bastard swords in the early to midgame All information about pathfinder kingmaker call of the wild Coating solutions in Qatar February 21 Uptodate Coating information only on Coatingsqa AP 3136 KingmakerHighlights • You can now play Pathfinder Kingmaker with your gamepad • Turnbased mode is now available Areas • Now, after you explored the Blackstones Ford map, you can stay in that area to collect the loot and exit when you feel like it

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★ ARCANE ON TWITCH http//bitly/ArcaneOnTwitch★ ARCANE ON TWITTER http//bitly/ArcaneTwitter★ SUBSCRIBE ON YT http//bitly/ArcaneOn★ BECOME ARange 2 ft Melee Damage 1d10 S Critical 19 (x2) 12 lbs ?Fixed spell combat to work with bastard sword/estoc/dwarven waraxe if magus has corresponding exotic weapon proficiency;

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Bastard sword is rarely worth it Slashing Grace is just for Dex to damage Weapon Finesse only affects attack rolls 19 (x2) Traits Without that special training, wielding a bastard sword onehanded is as impossible as wielding a greatsword onehanded Pathfinder Kingmaker The Khanda is a 4 Bastard Sword that gives its wielder a 4 bonus to Persuasion checks, DR 5 – pathfinder kingmaker oversized bastard sword Uncategorized Comments 0 Uncategorized Comments 0 Exotic Weapon Proficiency Bastard Sword Usage Passive;

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The Khanda is a 4 Bastard Sword that gives its wielder a 4 bonus to Persuasion checks, DR 5 – piercing, and a 8 bonus to Saving Throws against mindaffecting effects Creatures hit by the Khanda must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude saving throw or be affected by poison for 6 rounds Pathfinder Kingmaker is an isometric computer roleplaying game (CRPG), comparable to the Baldur's Gate Saga or Pillars of Eternity In the game we control a group of up to six heroes through a big adventure Isometric roleplaying games are characterized by the top view, so we see our group of heroes or our main character from diagonally above 50 ft range Strength 3 ?

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Der wandernde Barbar ist der beste Schadenshändler für frühe Spiele in Pathfinder Kingmaker Ihre Startwaffe, das Ginormous Sword, verursacht aus nächster Nähe massiven SchadenExotic Weapon Proficiency Pathfinder Kingmaker Exotic Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker Feats can give your character various bonus or allow them to perform all sorts of actions Choose one type of exotic weapon such as the dueling sword or sai You understand how to use that type of exotic weapons in combat, and can Pathfinder Kingmaker Elven Curve Blade Need Help Pathfinder kingmaker large bastard sword proficiency Pathfinder kingmaker large bastard sword proficiencyCoverage of various locations, side quests and companion quests;May 02, 21 Bastard swords do 1 extra damage per hit, on average;

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Weapon Proficiency is a Feat in Pathfinder Kingmaker Weapons in Pathfinder Kingmaker are covered on this page All the classes are quite similar to the pen and paper version of Pathfinder, so if you've been rolling ds with your friends for years youPathfinder Kingmaker Elven curve blades (9 posts) (9 posts) (9 posts) Redeem code Hallo i want build a human 2hand dex fighter build around elven curved blade And if you're able to handle this demon without of problems you can summon it as long as you wish, fo large portion of XP and for another additional blade armor nonproficiency penalty is no longer applied to enemies;

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13) Improved Critical Bastard Sword, Increased Damage Reduction 15) Iron Will, Increased Damage Reduction 17) Outflank, Roused Defense 19) Shield Wall ) Back to Back Valerie will need a 2 Wis item to cast spells Similar Posts Pathfinder Kingmaker – Harrim Build; Pathfinder Kingmaker When you get one amazing twohanded bastard sword from I don't know if you can take the rogue's finesse training for a weapon you're not proficientContact by Uncategorized 0 comments Uncategorized 0 comments I chose longsword for weapon focus/specialisation assuming as its fairly iconic and generally comon I'd come were first thinking bastard sword for mainhand cus of a 5 oversized bastard sword but noticed even tho bastard


pathfinder kingmaker ginormous sword weapon focus Test;Pathfinder Kingmaker I was wrong, she apparently doesn't start with proficiency in bastard swords At least she doesn't have it for me Ok, so I guess it's very logical then that I can't pick weapon focus, I'm just letting the game autolevel all of the NPCs because I'm not that familiar with Pathfinder/35

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